How to Design Academic Posters That Make a Difference in Your Classroom

How to Design Academic Posters That Make a Difference in Your Classroom


Educational posters not only help students understand important information but also add a personal touch to the learning environment. Whether you’re a teacher or an educational facility manager, here’s how to create the perfect educational poster for your learning space!

1. Curate Your Content

It’s easy to overestimate how much information you can fit onto an educational poster. So, keep in mind the limited amount of available space and choose what details you present carefully. This means you must provide either a quick summary of a topic or a detailed overview.

Before you pick up your mouse and keyboard, you should have a clear idea of what information you want to present to your target audience. Try summarizing the main point and explaining it in one sentence or two at most. When you have large blocks of text, you can transform them into charts and diagrams to make them even easier to digest.

2. Pick a Template

Once you’ve decided what educational information to include in your poster, open your browser and start deciding on the most suitable template. Why use a template? Essentially, this tool allows you to speed up your design process. By using a poster template, you don’t have to start from scratch and thus save a lot of time.

Not sure where to find one? is a great place to start. This platform offers various templates for educational posters. All of the available templates are fully customizable, allowing you to tailor them to your specific design needs. You can also use features like the AI size adjustment tool to further polish your work.

Do you want your poster to look casual? Do you want the poster content to be readable from a distance? Do you want your poster to be visually rich? Answer these questions to make sure you choose the right template. You may need to experiment with some options before you find one that meets your needs and goals.

3. Organize the Content

Now that you’ve decided on the ideal poster template, it’s time to start organizing your content. Poster templates online are fully customizable, so  you can adjust them depending on how you want readers to read the poster. You can, for example, use a left-to-right or top-to-bottom approach.

Remember that because this is an educational poster, you’ll want to make sure that everything is not only visually appealing but also clear to readers. Let’s say you’re illustrating the evolution of a theory. Consider using a ‘linear’ approach, in which readers start at the left side of the poster and work their way to the right.

4. Pay Attention to Colors and Fonts

You’ll also want your educational poster to be simple to read and understand, so adjust the fonts and colors. So, what is the secret to selecting the right font? To ensure ease of reading, keep the font size at least 24 points and use simple ‘sans serif’ typefaces like Calibri or Arial.

Break up large chunks of text into smaller sections with headings or bullet points. This will help viewers find the information they require without having to sift through large amounts of text. Tables can also be used to ensure that all of the details are properly displayed.

To avoid readability issues, make sure that the text and background colors contrast. It’s also best to avoid reds, oranges, and yellows. While it may appear counterintuitive, those colors tend to distract readers from the content rather than draw them as darker colors do.

5. Check the Facts

Finally, before printing your educational poster, proofread it and double-check the facts.When polishing your content, you can use a technique that most professional proofreaders use: read what they are proofreading aloud. This will force you to use both your visual and auditory senses and allows you to hear how the text sounds when it is read, which can help you spot lengthy paragraphs and grammatical errors.  You don’t want to bulk print a batch of educational posters filled with errors and typos.

6. The Takeaway

Informative educational posters can help you create a lively classroom environment. These useful tools can also be adapted to enhance the visual aspect of your learning facility. When creating an educational poster, keep the above tips in mind to make learning more fun and engaging for your beloved learners!
