Help Your Child Prepare for Middle School

Help Your Child Prepare for Middle School


When you have a child that is going into middle school, there are a lot of things that they will have to deal with as they transition from being a child into an adolescent. The first day of school is going to be the hardest day for your children mentally as it is really just them entering a new phase of their life.

In the sixth grade, students move from elementary school into middle school, a big step in a child’s life. Some families worry about how easy it will be for their child to adjust to middle school.

There are many ways to prepare your child for what they will face in the upcoming school year. One of these is taking a quiz for middle school students on what they have learned up until now. This quiz will help your child pass through the transition of moving from elementary to middle school with flying colors.

Testing your kid

By the time your child is in middle school, she will have been through a lot of different types of testing. She may have had a year or two of standardized tests in elementary school, and she’s probably had some informal testing at home, too. If you haven’t already, you can expect her to start taking formal tests in middle school.

There will be state tests to prepare for and local tests to take at the end of the year. The best way to help your child get ready for these tests is to let her know what they are and where they fit in the learning process. If she knows why she’s taking them and what kind of results might be expected, she’ll be more likely to take them seriously and put her best effort into them.

Understanding the new school

Whether your child is starting middle school for the first time or you’ve been through it before, there are many things to consider before the new school year begins.

Here are some things you can do with your child to help him or her prepare for this major transition.

1. Start early. It’s never too soon to start preparing for a big change, and middle school is no exception. Help your child get used to the idea of middle school by talking about it now, even if he won’t start for another year or two.

2. Brainstorm about what your child will need in his or her new locker. Middle school students typically have more homework than elementary students, so it’s important that they have easy access to all of their materials–homework assignments, books, folders, binders and more. Having a supply of different-colored folders on hand for each subject can help ensure that everything stays organized each night when homework is completed.

3. Consider purchasing an inexpensive backpack that he or she can use this year in addition to a rolling backpack that can easily be expanded when needed next year when high school gets more complex. Be sure the backpack you choose has padded straps rather than thin straps so your child doesn’t suffer from sore shoulders at the end.

Confronting worries

The transition to middle school is a big one, but you can help your child make it smoothly. It’s important to understand what worries your child might have and be prepared to discuss them openly. Do your kids wonder if they’ll fit in?

Don’t downplay their concerns, but try to reassure them that they will. If they’re worried about being teased or made fun of, talk to them about strategies for handling bullies. Some children worry about making friends at their new school. Encourage them to reach out to other kids and not be shy about introducing themselves.

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Other kids may be reluctant to introduce themselves because they’re unsure how others will respond. Remind them that making an effort usually pays off. Middle schoolers are often concerned about doing well in school, so find out what subjects are difficult for your child before school starts.

Is he struggling with reading or math? Does she get nervous when she has to speak in class?

Help him develop study skills and work on his self-confidence by praising his strengths and helping him set realistic goals. If your child is struggling with a particular subject, ask her teacher or the principal for guidance.
